Cook County Property Tax System Reform
Cook County property taxes provide over $16B annually for the City of Chicago, Cook County, and the many school districts, special districts, and municipalities. The current tax system is complex and difficult to navigate. In 2023, Civic Consulting Alliance supported the creation of the Cook County Property Tax Reform Group (PTAX) to ensure that the property assessment and tax system produces predictable, accurate, fair, and equitable results in a timely and efficient manner.
Community Violence Intervention Public-Private One Table
Community Violence Intervention (CVI) uses multidisciplinary strategies to engage individuals and groups to prevent and disrupt cycles of violence and retaliation. It establishes relationships between individuals and community assets to deliver services that save lives, address trauma, provide opportunity, and improve physical, social, and economic conditions to prevent violence.
Cook County Pretrial Stakeholders Group
Since 2014, Civic Consulting Alliance has facilitated the Cook County Pretrial Stakeholders’ Group, tasked with promoting community safety and reducing reliance on incarceration. This includes mitigating the destabilizing effects of the system at every contact point, with a particular focus on helping those disproportionately impacted during the pretrial stages of criminal prosecution.
Cook County Bureau of Asset Management Strategic Plan
The Bureau of Asset Management (the Bureau) comprises three departments responsible for constructing, developing, and maintaining Cook County’s approximately 200 unique properties, which total over 19 million square feet. The Bureau has also seen significant changes in its responsibilities, including a new Build Up Cook program and an expanding Capital Program.
Cook County’s Digital Equity Plan Implementation
In October 2023, Cook County released the first Digital Equity Action Plan, a crucial step to address the digital divide that impacts communities in suburban Cook County, which results in barriers to economic opportunities, social connections, and community wellbeing. The plan identifies Cook County’s path to digital equity through accessibility, confidence, safety and security, and affordability.